
Cantidad de DVD: 6
Los trabajos perdidos de Bro. John Hamman (The lost works of Bro. John Hamman)
6 increibles DVD's
97 efectos presentados y explicados
Mas de 12 horas de cartomagia premiada!
Brother John Hamman fue uno de los cartomagos modernos mas ingeniosos e influyentes. Se han hecho libros y videos presentando su magia. Pero ahora podes apreciar la coleccion de Hamman gracias a este fabuloso set de 6 DVD's!A lo largo de 12 horas de filmaciones, Hamman presenta y explica cerca de 100 rutinas! Estas son las filmaciones originales usadas por R. Kaufman para escribir el increible (y agotado) SECRETS OF BROTHER JOHN HAMMAN y el DVD presenta tambien comentarios de Kaufman.
Probablemente esta coleccion de 6 DVD's sea una de las obras maestras de mayor excelencia jamas filmadas sobre cartomagia explicada.
Efectos presentados:

1-2-3-4 Mates
1234 Ascanio
12345 Peek Thought
Adventure of the Spotted Seven, The
Alternative Triplet (three culls to alt. Red & black)
Amorphous Aces, The
Axes and Jackses
Billy, The Kid
Blind Chance
Chameleon Blues
Chinese Shuffle, The
Chinese Shuffle To Si Stebbins Stack
Computer Deck, The
Cream Rises to the Top
Deck in Parvo
Devilish Miracle Revisited
Diminishing Card to Dollar
Disobediant Cards, the
Do as I do Aces
Double Take
Double Deal Aces
Double-Deal Vanish
Eight Ball Queens (Four Queen Monte)
Fabulous Expanding Card
Final Aces
Five Kings Royal
Flash Poker
Flight of Four
Flip Flop Aces
Four Pocket Mirror
Four-tunate Choice
Go Fish
Hippity-Hop Kings
Homing Card, The
Homing Card to Terrick-Ific (gimmicks)
Houdini Escapes
Invisible Card, The (countback)...Needs palm!!!
Jacks Come Back
Kings Through the Table
Knavish Deuces, The
Ladies Man
Lalapalooza Hand
Liars Lie
Lie Detector Case, the
Lie Detector Deck
Magic Box, The
Magic Cards, The
Magician Matches Spectator
Magician Over Gambler
Marx Brothers, The
Micro Macro
Micro-Macro (without Gimmick)
Multiplying Kings
My Luck Day (2 Versions)
Mystic Nine (Hamman Count)
Old Classic, The
Opposite Pockets
Out of Print
Peek-Look-Think (PLT)
Pesky Card, The
Phoenix Four, The
Pick Pocket, The
Pinochle Trick, The
Poker Palm Shift, The
Revenge of the Pink Panthers
Rook�s Tour
Royal Gambol, The (double-deal switches)
Runic Nines, The (no gimmick Final Aces)
Sealed Room Mystery, The
Second Deal
Seeing With the Fingertips
Seven 0� Clock Trick
Signed Card, The
Skipping jacks
Spectator outdoes Magician...Almost
Tell-tale Tongue
Thought Card In Case
Thought Cards Across (Devant�s Triangle)
Three False Witnesses
Three Guesses
Transparent Cards (double & Triple Pushoffs
Triple Cross
Triple Match
Twins, The
Twisting Revisited
Two-Card Trick, The
Two-Shuffles Harry
Universal Card, The
Up The Down Sleeves
Vanishing Cream
Watch Me Like A Hawk
What and Were Test (odd/even/odd)
Wild All the Way

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