EXPERT IMPROMPTU MAGIC # 1, 2 y 3- Tom Mullica


Cantidad de DVD: 3
Tom Mullica es el rey de la magia IMPROMPTU (o improvisada). A raiz de su trabajo a lo largo de mas de 20 años en bares este artista es realmente una enciclopedia viviente de magia capaz de realizar efectos increibles con casi cualquier objeto. En este dvd no solo presenta 18 efectos propios sino que ademas te explicará en profundidad como podes hacerlos! Un video perfecto para cualquier mago al que no le gusta que lo sorprendan sin estar preparado a brindar su arte.
Volumen Uno: Efectos incluídos: Perpetual Balls, The Cookie Mystery, Waters Of India, Stretching A Hank, Ring, Rope, & Pin, The Bouncing Fruit, The Spirit Hand, Ashes Thru Hand, Karrel Fox's Napkin Vanish, Calendar Caper, Wrigley Feel, A sweet Prediction, Broken & Restored Match, The Book Test, Pencil Thru Bill, Ultra Sensory Perception, One-Handed Knot, and Silk Thru Arm.
Volumen Dos: Efectos incluídos: Blown Away, Pencil Thru Hank, The Mouse, The Indian Bean Mystery, Breaking Off A Button, Paperballs Overhead, Silk Production, Cork Transfer, Torn And Restored Bill, The Donut Mystery, Wand Transfer, Torn And Restored Cig Paper, Linking Paper Clips, A Card Force, Double X, Safari Cards, Mental Nine, Cut N' Restored Hank, Match Mystery, Travelling Match #1, Penetrating Match, Burned And Restored Napkin, and Weighing the Matches.
Volumen Tres: Efectos incluídos: Piano Matches, Vanishing Comb, Mind Reading, Double Drawer Matches, Dropped Box Matches, Broken And Restored Band, Two-Match Transfer, Bill To Matches, Chink-A-Chink, The Bill Roll, The Burned Bill, The Hell Tear, The Crying Quarter, Collar Coin Vanish, Vanishing Penny, Stern Paper Fold, Coin Thru Pants, Pencil Coin Vanish, Travelling Match #2, Cellophane Surprise, Coin Thru Hand, Swallowing A Knife, Stretching The Arm, Removable Finger, Removable Thumb, T.V. Coin Production, Glass Thru Table, Smoke Cocktail, and Paul Harris' Fizz Master.
Producido por Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc. Realización original: DVD: Marzo 2005.

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